Graham Rahal Performance Cars & Coffee

Saturday, June 5 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. we are hosting a joint, outdoor event at our Brownsburg location! Please join us at our location for GRP Cars & Coffee alongside Rahal Ducati Indianapolis Ducs & Donuts.

• LOCATION: 499 Southpoint Circle, Brownsburg, Indiana 46112

• FREE Jack’s Donuts & Java House Coffee while supplies last

• The Ice Barn will be on-site selling shaved ice

• All guests are encouraged to bring their cars or motorcycles for this fun, family friendly event

Share the news with your friends! We can’t wait for a day of beautiful motorcycles, cars, coffee and donuts!

Due to the current Hendricks county COVID-19 restrictions, all attendees are required to wear a mask while inside GRP and Rahal Ducati Indianapolis. If you feel sick or unwell, we ask that you please stay at home. Sanitize stations will be located throughout the facility and parking lot. We are asking that when parking you provide adequate spacing between motorcycles and social distance while walking through the event.